How to Hide an Alien by Karen McCombie

How to Hide an Alien by Karen McCombie

Author:Karen McCombie
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Stripes Publishing
Published: 2022-12-15T00:00:00+00:00

“Hello, Kiki! Hello, Wes!” said the Star Boy, as his friends spilled into the room along with Eddie. “I am having a conversation with Mrs Hamilton!”

“Jackie – just call me Jackie,” Kiki’s mum replied with a twinkle of a laugh in her voice that made the Star Boy feel happy and at ease. Or as happy and at ease as was possible after appearing in his alien form in front of the entire population of Riverside Academy.

“I am having a conversation with Jackie,” the Star Boy repeated, now correctly addressing Kiki’s friendly mother. “I have introduced myself. I am Stan Boyd.”

As he spoke, the Star Boy observed the expression on Kiki’s face in particular, and wondered if he had made an unwise decision to Morph into his Human form.

But how could he resist? Despite the possible catastrophe he’d caused, despite his own depleted energy, when Kiki’s mother had walked into the back room, making a pleasant humming noise five minutes ago, the Star Boy had been awestruck. Of course, he recognized her from a photograph Kiki had shown him, and again from having seen her outside Kiki’s home first thing this morning.

Leaping up, the Star Boy had sidled over to her, his head tilting this way and that as she stood at the sink, where she tutted and poured water in and out of a dirty cup. He’d sniffed Kiki’s mother, identifying the odour of a cleaning material called soap. To be SO very close to a Human adult parent was beyond thrilling! And then the thought came to him that he could – if he hurried – very possibly interact with her. With much haste, the Star Boy had tiptoed from the room, bounded upstairs to Eddie’s sleeping and dressing area and thrown on some clothes. He returned with a Human appearance, a broad smile and a shy hi.

“So, Stan … what have you been chatting to Jackie about?” Eddie asked, crossing his arms tightly across his chest. His body language appeared to show some nervousness, the Star Boy noted.

“Well, we haven’t got beyond introductions, have we?” Kiki’s mum said cheerfully. “But it’s lovely to meet Kiki’s new friends finally. And I’m guessing you’re Wes?”

The Star Boy observed Wes nodding. He looked a little frightened. Was he scared of Kiki’s mum?

“Uh-huh … this is Wes,” he heard Kiki reply.

“Yes! I recognize you from your performance with Kiki at the Open Evening last Thursday, Wes,” Kiki’s mum said. “Not that you got to perform, thanks to the storm and all the drama!”

I must copy what Kiki and Wes do and say, the Star Boy reminded himself. After all, following the points on the Learning List would keep him safe. And maybe he should copy what Kiki’s mum was saying too?

“There was a storm,” he repeated. “And lots of drama.”

“Yes…” Kiki’s mum said with a small, puzzled smile. “It was quite something! So you were there, Stan?”

“No, he wasn’t!” Kiki jumped in with a lie before he could answer. “Stan … doesn’t go to our school.


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